At the Peewee level, the expectation is that the fundamentals from prior levels are concrete, allowing the opportunity for a focus on dynamic movement. Here we will build on all aspects of the foundation with game like scenarios to enhance the speed, agility and hockey IQ of these individuals. Session Date: August 19 to August 23 at Leduc Rec Centre.

The Atom program expands upon the foundation that has been established at earlier levels while introducing a new level of technique through crossovers and other multi-lateral movements which allow each athlete to take their knowledge and skills set to the next level. Session Date: August 19 to August 23 at Leduc Rec Centre.

The Novice program is all about building the foundation for skating with a key focus on the fundamentals of form and technique. Technique at this level will feature power skating that hones in on lengthening stride, proper knee bend and edge work. Session Date: August 19 to August 23 at Leduc Rec Centre.